Stuff, 162, Horntail Pendant

I’ve had a pretty eventful week, and I can’t say it was very good at all to top things off…. About 2 months ago my dad had a crazy allergic attack/reaction after eating at a Mexican restaurant… He pretty much almost died, because he didn’t have any type of meds for the attack or treatment to suppress the inflammation and congestion that happened in his lungs(he couldn’t breath or get a breath due to his airway being constricted)…. Thankfully though he was at church when the attack happened and people just started praying for him and his lungs opened up enough for him to breathe.. the ambulances came shortly after and he was in the hospital for 2 days… since then he’s made tons of trips to the allergists to find out what caused it, and he’s narrowed it down to cilantro and coriander, two types of parsley-ish plants/seeds. I won’t bother you with the details, but pretty much it was a testament to how miracles do happen. Every doctor he’s spoken to said your lungs don’t just open up like that after having an allergic attack without meds or induced steroids…
Anyways back on track this week I had gone with him to help with his work(installing GPS tracking systems on commercial vehicles) and while we were out to eat, he had eaten a pickle slice(apparently they use coriander as part of the pickling process, he didn’t know) and also on top of the food they had sprinkled parsley flakes for decoration(he didn’t know at the time he was allergic to that too)… and he wound up having another major reaction and his airway got inflamed or swollen or whatever and he couldn’t breathe. Luckily he had his Epipen(a type of anti-allergen steroid injection thing)… so he was able to breathe again, but since we were out of town and it was quite serious he went to the hospital, so I stayed there with him for that night and the next day(it happened on Thursday, came home on Friday).. so all the while I was slightly traumatized having seen him like that not being able to breathe. I’m doing fine now though, and so is he, thank God. x)

Luckily this week was started off fine and things are looking bright!

To start it off I hit 162 yesterday! One more level and I’ll be able to attack during the tail at Hornail, and be 100% useful there. I believe I’ve gone and survived on about 6-7 runs now. x) Still pumping points into HP, and hoping for things to sell in the MTS so that I can afford AP Resets(Once you spend jack, you can’t go back). I haven’t charged nx with real money in months now, and it feels good not to be wasting offline cash.

Icing on the cake, I got my Horntail Pendant last night! 7 str, 7 dex, 7 int, 7 luk, 108 defense, 108 magic defense, 24 avoid and 3 slots left. I’m told this is average, and that’s fine by me. It’ll be a while before I can get my egg(the scroll for the necklace, +15 all stats and a crapload of def/mdef/avoid. 100% success)… but that’s fine, this is a wonderful accomplishment to have, and quite monumental barrier for myself and my characters progress and strength. Thanks to everyone that helped me get so far. :3

    • Xavier
    • April 15th, 2008

    Congrats on your Horntail Pendant one step closer to achieving everything in MS :D.

    go go 170 go go craven.

    • Ez
    • April 16th, 2008

    Wow, thank God your dad’s okay. That was a pretty close call wasn’t it? xO

    Anyway, grats on your necklace!

  1. Haha Xav, last night it would have been gogo Dragon sleeve, I broke a 55 attack 6 slot. ;_;

    And yeah, it was pretty cose Ez. xP

    • Krissy
    • April 16th, 2008

    Glad to hear your Dad’s okay. Must’ve been really horrible to see him like that, I can only imagine. ;(

    Anyways, congrats on level 162 and getting your pendent.
    I’m sure you’ll get your egg(s) soon enough. 🙂

    • Trieu
    • July 10th, 2008

    How much Hp do you need to Survive HT as a Range attacker? And Also, im hearing stuff about Ranged attackers don’t attack Tail or Legs? Hmmmm, is There any other way for a Ranged attacker to survive Horntail without Hp washing? Ty (:

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